I am working on a registration form that requires home and work addresses upon submitting. The fields are as follows:
<input name="street-address" autocomplete="home street-address" required />
<input name="postal-code" autocomplete="home postal-code" required />
<input name="locality" autocomplete="home locality" required /> <!-- or "home city" -->
<input name="organization" autocomplete="organization" required />
<!-- addressee or department withing the organization. optional field -->
<input name="addressee" autocomplete="????????" />
<input name="work-street-address" autocomplete="work street-address" required />
<input name="work-postal-code" autocomplete="work postal-code" required />
<input name="work-locality" autocomplete="work locality" required />
I am using http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard and https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#attr-fe-autocomplete-organization-title to create a nice browser compatible autofill form.
What I can't figure out is if there is a nice autofill name for the addressee / department field. Is anyone familiar with this / or any input?
I assume you want to use full street-address
. if you just want to use address line 1 then try address-line1
Also Google Developers page (Note: in this example you could see locality, ...
but they are deprecated. use )