Center form submit buttons HTML / CSS

Belgin Fish picture Belgin Fish · Nov 19, 2010 · Viewed 340.9k times · Source

I'm having troubles centering my HTML form submit buttons in CSS.

Right now I'm using:

    <input value="Search" title="Search" type="submit" id="btn_s">
    <input value="I'm Feeling Lucky" title="I'm Feeling Lucky" name="lucky" type="submit" id="btn_i">

with this CSS content

    width: 100px;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;

#btn_i {
    width: 125px;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;

And it's not doing anything. I know I'm probably doing something stupid wrong. How can I fix this?


Sebastian Patane Masuelli picture Sebastian Patane Masuelli · Nov 19, 2010

i just wrapped a div around them and made it align center. then you don't need any css on the buttons to center them.

<div class="buttonHolder">
  <input value="Search" title="Search" type="submit" id="btn_s"> 
  <input value="I'm Feeling Lucky" title="I'm Feeling Lucky" name="lucky" type="submit" id="btn_i">

.buttonHolder{ text-align: center; }