Bootstrap: Change breadcrumb's active text color

Theo picture Theo · Jan 25, 2017 · Viewed 9.4k times · Source

I want to make the text color About us of the breadcrumb to black but its not working.

<ol class="breadcrumb">
    <li class="disabled"><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
    <li class="active"><a href="#">About us</a></li>

I tried following CSS but it didn't work.

.breadcrumb > .active {
   color: black;
   text-decoration: none;

Any idea why it is not working?


Mohammad Usman picture Mohammad Usman · Jan 25, 2017

As per Bootstrap's Documentation breadcrumb's active item doesn't contain any link inside.

This is logical as last item shows current active page and it shouldn't be clickable so <a> element is excess here.

Use the standard Bootstrap structure for breadcrumbs i.e.

<ol class="breadcrumb">
  <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
  <li><a href="#">Library</a></li>
  <li class="active">Data</li>

Here are two possible ways of overriding active text color:

Method #01:

  1. Go to Customizing Bootstrap page.
  2. Move to Breadcrumbs section.
  3. Override the default value of @breadcrumb-active-color varaible with the value that you need i.e. #000.
  4. Move to Download section and press "Compile and Download" Button.

Method #02:

You will need to override Bootstrap styles in your custom css file.

.breadcrumb >.active {
   color: black;

However if you still need link inside active item you need to change selector accordingly i.e:

.breadcrumb >.active a {
   color: black;

@import url("");

.breadcrumb > .active,
.breadcrumb > .active a {
  color: black;
<ol class="breadcrumb">
  <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
  <li><a href="#">Library</a></li>
  <li class="active">Data(Without Link)</li>
<ol class="breadcrumb">
  <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
  <li><a href="#">Library</a></li>
  <li class="active"><a href="#">Data(With Link)</a></li>