Is there any ASCII character for <br>?

Antony SUTHAKAR J picture Antony SUTHAKAR J · Nov 25, 2015 · Viewed 121k times · Source

Typically we all using HTML numbers or names in web pages. For example, & is &#38; or &amp;, and $, @, ©, ®, etc.

Is there an HTML number or name for <br>?.


Amadan picture Amadan · Nov 25, 2015

& is a character; &amp; is a HTML character entity for that character.

<br> is an element. Elements don't get character entities.

In contrast to many answers here, \n or &#13; are not equivalent to <br>. The former denotes a line break in text documents. The latter is intended to denote a line break in HTML documents and is doing that by virtue of its default CSS:

br:before { content: "\A"; white-space: pre-line }

A textual line break can be rendered as an HTML line break or can be treated as whitespace, depending on the CSS white-space property.