Font looks blurry after translate in Chrome

joppiesaus picture joppiesaus · Aug 16, 2015 · Viewed 14.9k times · Source

EDIT 2016-07-04(Since this question is getting popular): This is a bug in Chrome. Developers are actively working on a fix.

EDIT 2017-05-14 The bug seems to be fixed, the fix will be introduced in Chrome 60

EDIT 2018-05-04 A fix has been merged, but the bug still appears to be present.

So I have this very ugly-looking window that is centered on the screen by this CSS:

   position: fixed;
   top: 0;
   bottom: 0;

   transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

However, it looks like this on Chrome (the font looks really blurry):


But like this on Firefox:

enter image description here

When I remove the transform rule, the text looks nice and crispy again, but then it's no longer correctly centered.

When I go to chrome://flags and execute #disable-direct-write it looks nicer, but users are obviously not going to do that and it doesn't solve the problem.

How can I make my font look nice while still having the window centered?

My chrome version is 44.0.2403.155

I have a three.js demo using WebGL that renders on a background canvas. When I disable the demo, the problem no longer occurs.

JSFiddle with the background.

JSFiddle without the background.


Dmitry.Kolosov picture Dmitry.Kolosov · May 18, 2018

A suggestion from a related discussion solved the issue for me:

Using calc with some offset solved the issue in my case:

transform: translate(calc(-50% + 0.5px), calc(-50% + 0.5px));