can i change top menu bar and remove some options in kibana-4

jay j picture jay j · Apr 13, 2015 · Viewed 8.5k times · Source

I have installed kibana-4 on my Linux machine. My requirement is that I want to delete options like save search fields in my kibana home page and i want to change the top menubar of kibana by my own customized menubar. here 's snapshot of what i want to do. enter image description here


void picture void · Apr 13, 2015

Kibana 4 is not well documented yet. You might need to dig into the code to understand how things work.

This being said, you may want to use 'embed=true|false' URL parameter to show or not the whole toolbar. This is useful when embeding kibana in iframe, so that parameters are injected from outside and users cannot change settings.

Example to display a dashboard named 'demo' with no toolbar:


You may then create your own menus and drive the iframe that embeds Kibana.

Hope this helps.