Custom social share icons in Mailchimp campaign

mdcrtv picture mdcrtv · Mar 13, 2015 · Viewed 9k times · Source

I'm in the process of creating a custom mailchimp template, but I've hit a snag with some social media buttons.


outputs this:

enter image description here

What I need is this:

enter image description here

Since this is a custom template, I can't drag and drop prefab icons into the design. Here are some of the alternate methods I've tried:

<a href="[url]=*|ARCHIVE|*&p[title]=*|MC:SUBJECT|*"><img src="~fb_icon~"></a>

<a href="*|ARCHIVE|*&text=*|MC:SUBJECT|*"><img src="~tw_icon~"></a>

When sent, the url is stripped from the image or returns nothing between the quotes.

If any mailchimp experts can offer some insight, I'd appreciate it.


Simone Ferraro picture Simone Ferraro · Apr 11, 2016

I think you should consider using content encoding merge tags, such as |HTML:YOUR_MERGETAG|

Here a useful link