I'm creating a website and I want to crop an image to a square image based on the orientation of the image. I'm not really familiar with CSS so I'm not sure how to tackle this problem.
If it's a landscape image (800x500) then I want the cropped image to be like this (500x500):
If it's portrait (400x600) then it should crop out this part (400x400) of the image:
How should I go about to achieve this? Preferably a method I can use along with Bootstrap's "img-responsive" so I can resize the cropped when needed.
@FljpFl0p fix it [jsfiddle][1]
[1]: https://www.bootply.com/92024 and there is another answer here How to automatically crop and center an image. Tks!
If you want it responsive and using bootstrap 4. Try this one:
.thumb-post img {
object-fit: none; /* Do not scale the image */
object-position: center; /* Center the image within the element */
width: 100%;
max-height: 250px;
margin-bottom: 1rem;