Host HTML file with ngrok

user3473819 picture user3473819 · May 3, 2014 · Viewed 11.1k times · Source

Is it possible to host, instead of a web app, a HTML file with NGROK? I really don't know anything about NGROK, I just used it to host a server for a Twilio app, and am wanting to use it to host a HTML file for another one of my projects. Also, anybody know how to create a HTML file on a Mac? Thanks in advance. Or, If I can't use NGROK, anybody know something as easy and free is it is that I could use for hosting a HTML file on my computer. I need to be able to change the file in real time, so google sites and stuff like that are out of the question.


ford picture ford · May 3, 2014

No. ngrok only tunnels traffic, so it can't actually serve the HTML file for you.

You can, however, serve a directory of files very easily. One of the quickest ways to start a server is with python. From the command line, cd to the directory containing your HTML files and run:

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Or for python3 (not installed by default on OS X):

$ python -m http.server

Then, in another terminal, run ngrok.