I was wondering; is it possible to style the css3 resize property?
I want a horizontal resize, and would like a vertical bar, rather than the little thingamagig in the corner in the default. See images. In short, can I make this:
Into something like this:
...and if this is not possible through css, any other ideas? I would like to keep things as lightweight as possible.
Obs: This answer is for WebKit only, couldn't find for other browsers nor testing with their -
names worked.
Considering you have an element with the following CSS:
.styled {
background:orange; /* just for looks */
If you add webkit's specific pseudo-selector ::-webkit-resizer
, you can style the handle:
::-webkit-resizer {
border: 2px solid yellow;
background: blue;
box-shadow: 0 0 2px 5px red;
outline: 2px dashed green;
/*size does not work*/
width: 150px !important;
height: 150px !important;
I've tested with ::-moz-resizer
on FF22, didn't worked. so yeah, you are stuck into making the javascript version, mimicking StackOverflow's textarea handle.
When styling shadow dom pseudo selectors, do NOT stack them into a single selector ::-webkit-resizer, ::-moz-resizer { /*css*/}
because will invalidate the entire selector.