Capturing Microphone Using Html 5 and broadcast using

luke picture luke · Jun 22, 2012 · Viewed 8k times · Source

I am currently developing Virtual Classroom with whiteboard,video/audio conferencing. How can I capture microphone using HTML5,Javascript. How can i create base64 encoded string from microphone ? I already capture video image from tag and draw on canvas and received base64 encoded string and broadcast to all students and its works. is any similar way for audio tag also ? i would like to broadcast teacher microphone voice to whole class using I found number of tutorial but every body explain about video not audio :( . I am using Chrome -v 21 and able to use webkit. Thanks in advance

Answer picture · Jun 22, 2012

The Stream API should allow you to do this but unfortunately it's not supported in any of the current (stable) browsers. You could download the nightly build of Google Chrome which definitely includes some support for the API, though how complete I'm not sure.

I'm guessing it shouldn't be too long until plugins for node start appearing to help with the handling of this stuff on the server side, but meantime the following might be useful:

  1. Streaming audio from a Node.js server to HTML5 tag
  2. A Node.js module for parsing and/or injecting metadata into SHOUTcast/Icecast radio streams.
  3. Streaming audio using Firefox Audio Data API + Node.js + WebSocket + Redis Pub/Sub