I want to include some vertical marquee text to my page <div>
so that the content will be automatically scrolled.
I found the following code useful;
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="up" height="250" scrollamount="2" scrolldelay="10" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">
content goes here<br>
content goes here<br>
content goes here<br>
content goes here
But it adds a white space after the contents. The content re appear only after the whole text scrolled up (something like restart). How can I avoid (or remove) this blank space?
I found it here in Stack Overflow and there is something noted cloneNode()
. I don't know how to implement that.
*Note: Height attribute is not relevant. it has same height of parent <div>
element is non-compliant HTML and should not be used...but that is a whole different argument.