Top "Html-input" questions

The input element represents a typed data field, usually with a form control to allow the user to edit the data.

jquery setting hidden input value not working as expected in IE7 and IE8

Continuing adopting my code to work with IE... I have a hidden div containing a form to edit some information. …

javascript jquery internet-explorer html-input
Making up down arrow of HTML's input number much bigger and cleaner

Rather than Is it possible to always show up/down arrows for input "number"?, I want to be able to …

html css html-input
HTML5 input type number vs tel

I'm working on updating some form inputs to HTML5. I'm not interested in validating the data so much as having …

html types numbers html-input
html input range step as an array of values

I've been playing around with the input type=range for the first time, and ideally I'd like to set the …

html html-input
HTML Input cursor position issue in Chrome when value is empty

Just recently I have noticed out text inputs having a display issue in Google Chrome but only when the text …

html css google-chrome html-input
Knockout event binding for input keypress causes weird behavior

Long story short, I want to enable users to hit enter on an input element and certain method in my …

mvvm knockout.js dom-events keypress html-input
Overflow visible on text input, is it possible?

CSS overflow:visible doesn't seem to get applied to inputs. See the following JS fiddle:…

html css overflow html-input
Can I have an HTML drag-and-drop input in Microsoft Edge?

We are adapting our product to Microsoft Edge. We have an HTML drag-and-drop feature that works correctly in IE, Chrome, …

html microsoft-edge html-input
Trigger action on programmatic change to an input value

My objective is to observe an input value and trigger a handler when its value gets changed programmatically. I only …

javascript html-input defineproperty
Why is the default max length for an input 524288?

The default maximum length for a HTML input (<input type="text">) is 524288 characters. That seems like a very …

html w3c html-input