Top "Html-encode" questions

Anything related to encoding or decoding HTML entities.

How to use HtmlEncode with TemplateFields, Data Binding, and a GridView

I have a GridView bound to an ObjectDataSource. I've got it supporting editing as well, which works just fine. However, … data-binding gridview html-encode templatefield
Is there a JDK class to do HTML encoding (but not URL encoding)?

I am of course familiar with the and classes. However, I only need HTML-style …

html java html-encode
Will HTML Encoding prevent all kinds of XSS attacks?

I am not concerned about other kinds of attacks. Just want to know whether HTML Encode can prevent all kinds …

security xss html-encode
How to display HTML stored in a database from an ASP.NET MVC view?

I have HTML code edited by FCKEditor stored in a database and would like to display (well render) it onto …

html html-encode
How can I use the HtmlEncode (or HtmlDecode) function in Visual Studio (

I'm making an application that involves logging into a server, however, the post data needs some encoding. Dim strEncUsername As … visual-studio html-encode
Decoding mysql_real_escape_string() for outputting HTML

I'm trying to protect myself from sql injection and am using: mysql_real_escape_string($string); When posting HTML it …

php sql-injection html-encode mysql-real-escape-string
How do I escape some html in javascript?

Given the text <b>This is some text</b> I want to write it to my …

javascript html-encode
Converting HTML entities to Unicode Characters in C#

I found similar questions and answers for Python and Javascript, but not for C# or any other WinRT compatible language. …

c# windows-runtime html-entities html-encode
html_entity_decode problem in PHP?

I am trying to convert HTML entities from a source string to their literal character equivalent. For example: <?php $…

php html-entities html-encode
is there a way to highlight all the special accent characters in sublime text or any other text editor?

I a using the the HTML encode special characters in Sublime text to convert all the special character into their …

encoding sublimetext2 html-encode htmlspecialchars