HP-UX (Hewlett-Packard UniX) is Hewlett-Packard's proprietary implementation of the Unix operating system, based on UNIX System V (initially System III) and first released in 1984.
I still struggling to compile a C console application, the compiling procedure still failing with the error below: "Main.c", …
c hp-ux accI'm using the following commands to find Shared Memory Limits and Semaphore Limits in Linux. To find Shared Memory Limits …
solaris aix hp-uxI am trying to compile a console C application on HP-UX machine using the aCC compiler [HP C/aC++ B3910…
c hp-ux accIn HPUX the command "machinfo" list machine information such as Number of CPUs, Clock speed, Bus speed, processor type, Cache …
linux statistics hp-uxI'm seeing stty, not a typewritter messages on hpux (despite an interactive terminal check?), and am guessing that these are …
ksh tty hp-ux