Top "Hover" questions

Hover refers to the action of placing the mouse cursor over a given element.

jquery hover mouse out

I want a simple slide down / up animation on a mouse over of a link. I can get the mouse …

jquery hover
How to tell .hover() to wait?

I have a drop down menu. Now when it's slided down to multiple levels, I'd like it to add wait …

javascript jquery time hover settimeout
pure javascript to check if something has hover (without setting on mouseover/out)

I have seen this jQuery syntax: if($(element).is(':hover')) { do something} Since I am not using jQuery, I …

javascript jquery hover
CSS lighten child elements on parent mouseover

here is my problem. I have a div which contains two other divs: basically one for header, one for content. …

html css hover transparency
In React, onMouseEnter or hover is not working as expected

I have one image with opacity = 1 at the beginning. When mouse enters the image, change opacity = 0.5. When mouse leaves the …

reactjs hover mouseevent mouseenter mouseleave
Using Hover and Pressed stylesheet Qt

I used this in my button pushButton stylesheet QPushButton#pushButton { background-color: yellow; } QPushButton#pushButton:pressed { background-color: rgb(224, 0, 0); } QPushButton#pushButton:hover { …

qt hover stylesheet rollover
jQuery onmouseover + onmouseout / hover on two different divs

I've got a Problem: Here a part of my HTML: <div id="div_1"> Here Hover </div> &…

jquery html hover onmouseover onmouseout
How can I add new line/linebreak character in title attribute in HTML

I am using this <a href="#" title="select from 1: this 2: that" > Click here </a> When someone …

html css hover accessibility
Is it possible to change only the alpha of a rgba background colour on hover?

I have a set of <a> tags with differing rgba background colours but the same alpha. Is it …

css hover background-color rgba
Why doesn't CSS hover work on table rows when the cells inside the rows have class names?

I am stuck with this problem so any help would be appreciated. I have a table with several rows. Each …

css html-table hover