Top "Host" questions

A general-purpose computer system interconnected to some communications network, or communications networks for the purpose of achieving resource sharing amongst the participating systems is called Host.

Pass stdin into Unix host or dig command

Let's say I have a list of IPs coming into a log that I'm tailing: I'd like to easily resolve …

host dig
Set up custom subdomain for Jekyll Blog hosted in Github Pages

I created a Jekyll-powered blog and am hosting it with GitHub Pages. Now, I want to set up a subdomain (…

github subdomain jekyll host github-pages
Android usb host: asynchronous interrupt transfer

I'm trying to connect a USB-Device ( build by myself ) to communicate with my development board ( ODROID-X ) Unfortunately, the examples are …

android asynchronous usb interrupt host
Can't receive broadcast Intent of UsbManager.ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED/UsbManager.ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED

I am coding an USB host App recently, but it's stucked because I can't detect the device attached/detached event, …

android usb broadcastreceiver host intentfilter
Android USB Host mode service - Start based on USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED

I want to write a service in Android which starts based on USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED intent. So, basically my service …

android usb host
Docker Mac alternative to --net=host

According to the docker documentation here The host networking driver only works on Linux …

macos docker host
Java simple Network IP-Adress Scanner

I want to make my own ip scanner, that scans available ips on the local network, like Angry IP Scanner …

java networking ip-address host network-scan
Android 4.0.3. USB Host - communication with a camera

I am making an app that is supposed to be a remote control for a camera. In order to do …

android camera host
Drawing power from USB device to android tablet through OTG cable

I am working on a project which involves communication between a android device and arduino. The final assembly of the …

android usb arduino host usb-otg
How Amazon Route 53 MX and Google Apps

I hosted a domain at and I changed the nameserver to amazon's nameserver so I could use it …

amazon-web-services dns host amazon-route53 mx-record