Top "Horizontalscrollview" questions

A layout container for a view hierarchy that can be scrolled by the user, allowing it to be larger than the physical display

How to scroll to center of child of HorizontalScrollView?

I need to scroll to the center of childView(TextView) of the HorizontalScrollView. i have get the center child by …

android horizontalscrollview rect
Center elements of HorizontalScrollView when not enough to make it scroll

I have a Layout with a HorizontalScrollView containing a LinearLayout for a Menu where the contents are inflated with the …

android layout element center horizontalscrollview
Android : Locating the item at center position of the screen after selecting it ,In the horizontalscrollview

I am trying to scroll item to the middle position of the screen after selecting it.I have used Horizontalscrollview …

android scroll center horizontalscrollview
HorizontalScrollView, auto-scroll to end with animation

I have a horizontalScrollView and I need to make an auto-scroll to end with animation when I load the view. …

android horizontal-scrolling horizontalscrollview
FragmentTabHost with horizontal scroll

I am trying to build a FragmentTabHost and make it horizontal Scrollable. I've been searching for a solution but couldn't …

android-fragments horizontalscrollview
scrollView Inside Horizontal Scrollview not working properly

Hope we have good time.dude i m stuck in a little problem .when i place vertical scroll view inside …

android scrollview horizontalscrollview
circular auto scrolling horizontalscrollview android

I want to auto scroll an horizontal scrollview which contains a lot of imageview inside a linearlayout when it reached …

android horizontalscrollview
Horizontal list view in vertical scroll view in android

I need to implement application like what i tried …

android horizontalscrollview vertical-scrolling horizontallist
HorizontalScrollView inside ScrollView - disable vertical scroll when horizontal scroll is in progress

I have a parent which is ScrollView, which holds a HorizontalScrollView as one of it's child views. All works perfectly, …

android scrollview horizontalscrollview