What's the best way to write if/else if/else if/else in HIVE?

Popcorn picture Popcorn · Sep 9, 2015 · Viewed 57k times · Source

Hive uses IF(condition, expression, expression), so when I want to do if / else if / else if / else, I have to do:

IF(a, 1, IF(b, 2, IF(c, 3, 4)))

Is there a better way to do this that's more readable?

Looking for something similar to the standard

if (a) {
} else if (b) {
} else if (c) {
} else {


YoungHobbit picture YoungHobbit · Sep 9, 2015

You can use Hive Conditional CASE WHEN function for if-else scenario. The CASE Statement will provide you better readability with the same functionality.

  WHEN (condition1) THEN result1
  WHEN (condition2) THEN result2
  WHEN (condition3) THEN result3 
  WHEN (condition4) THEN result4
  ELSE result_default 
END AS attribute_name