Export Hive Query Results

user3476463 picture user3476463 · Jun 1, 2014 · Viewed 11.8k times · Source

I'm new to hive and could use some tips.

I'm trying to export query results from hive as a csv. When I try to pipe them out of CLI like:

hive -e 'select * from table'>OutPut.txt

I get a text file that has all the records but doesn't have the column headers. Does anyone have a tip for how to export the query results with the column headers, to a csv file?

If I run the query in hue, and then download the results as a csv I get a csv with the column headers but no records. If anyone has a tip on how to download query results from hue with records and column headers, I would greatly appreciate it too.


visakh picture visakh · Jun 1, 2014

To export the column headers, you need to set the following in the hiverc file:

set hive.cli.print.header=true;

To get just the headers into a file, you could try the following:

hive -e 'set hive.cli.print.header=true; SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME LIMIT 0;' > /file_path/file_name.txt