Top "History" questions


Does MongoDB have a shell history file?

Does MongoDB have something like a .bash_history file? I recently typed in a long command, closed & re-opened the …

mongodb history interactive-shell
Why do stacks typically grow downwards?

I know that in the architectures I'm personally familiar with (x86, 6502, etc), the stack typically grows downwards (i.e. every …

architecture stack history
Why does Internet Explorer (9) report "Mozilla" in UserAgent?

Why does Internet Explorer has Mozilla in UserAgent? In Firefox it's stating: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1 In Interner …

internet-explorer firefox user-agent history
IE history push state

I have a webpage where the user has the possibility to display the terms and conditions without reloading the page, …

ajax internet-explorer history pushstate new-window
pushState: what exactly is the state object for?

I've read a dozen of times now that the state object could exists of multiple key|value pairs and that …

html object history state pushstate
popstate returns event.state is undefined

I am learning about history in HTML5, in this example (open the JavaScript browser console to see error) the event.…

jquery html history pushstate
Where does the practice "exists (select 1 from ...)" come from?

The overwhelming majority of people support my own view that there is no difference between the following statements: SELECT * FROM …

sql history
Update svn checkout to specific date including externals

I want to perform an svn update to a specific date, and I can do this with svn update -r {2010…

svn history svn-externals
zsh history is too short

When I run history in Bash, I get a load of results (1000+). However, when I run history the zsh shell …

zsh history
Completely remove (old) git commits from history

I'm starting a project using git where I'll be committing very large files, but only a few times a week. …

git size history rebase