Top "Hide" questions

Methods for hiding visual components, particularly with regard to HTML.

Why doesn't Jquery fadeOut() work? Hide() does

After an Ajax result I'm trying to fadeOut a html button. This works most of the time, however sometimes the …

jquery ajax hide fadeout
jQuery select div with ID and class

I have the following: <article id="post-43" class="like"></article> <article id="post-56" class="like"&…

jquery class html hide startswith
NiceScroll show/hide

I'd like to hide/show NiceScroll based on the result of an if function. In my html there are three …

jquery hide show nicescroll
Prevent Buttons From Hiding Soft Keyboard On Android

I have a WebView and some buttons in my layout. There is a large tag in my WebView. This app …

android button keyboard hide pressed
Android: EditText stays hidden behind the keyboard

Before writing this question I have read through the following answers/articles: Android soft keyboard covers edittext field Android keyboard …

android keyboard hide android-edittext hidden
CSS display:none and visibility:hidden

I have a div that I use to display alerts when needed. If I want to close it after a …

css hide hidden
Hide Options from Multiple Selection Box

I need to hide certain options from Multiple selection box using Javascript. I can't got for jQuery, and I am …

javascript jquery hide multipleselection
Show a div for couple of seconds and then disappear automatically

When a page loads, a div should appear for like 3 seconds and then automatically disappear. I'm having trouble with the …

jquery hide seconds
Hide the button and show again on touch

I am working on an application where I want to hide the button, or, say, make the button invisible when …

android touch hide visible invisible
How to hide/show a Process using c#?

While executing my program, I want to hide/minimize Microsoft Speech Recognition Application: alt text…

c# process hide show show-hide