Top "Hid" questions

HID stands for Human Interface Device, a type of computer peripheral taking input from a user and sometimes providing feedback, for example keyboard, mouse, joystick, trackball and the like.

How can i communicate with an HID USB device in delphi

I have been researching this problem for a while now and I just can't seem to get it right. I …

delphi usb hid
Creating a virtual HID device

I'd like to create a virtual HID device (emulate it with a driver). It must be visible to clients that …

virtual hid wdk
Bluetooth mouse/keyboard emulation

I'm having a hard time finding a software that would emulates a Bluetooth keyboard (and/or mouse) that follows HID …

keyboard bluetooth mouse hid emulation
My SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces is not working

I am interested to find out if I am doing this right: //DeviceManager.h #include <windows.h> //#include &…

c++ device hid wdk
How to get graphic tablet pen pressure value?

I'm using a Wacom Bamboo Pen tablet and I'd like to be able to get its pen pressure value in …

c# api user-input hid wacom
Get mouse deltas using Python! (in Linux)

I know that Linux gives out a 9-bit 2's compliment data out of the /dev/input/mice. I also know …

python linux mouse hid
Raspberry Pyusb gets Resource busy

I'm trying to connect my Raspberry PI to Pic4550 via USB. (Pic function is ok with windows c# program!). So …

python usb hid pyusb raspberry-pi2
Connecting to a bluetooth HID device (mouse) using L2CAP

I'm tring to find a way to connect to a HID bevice (mouse) using L2CAP, this for a android …

android bluetooth hid l2cap
How can I get a String from HID device in Python with evdev?

I am new to python but have experience with HID devices and evdev. I have a 2D barcode scanner which …

python hid
Is there a simple cross platform HID module for python?

I'm trying to write some code that will fetch receive data from usb HID devices like scales. I've used pywinusb …

python usb hid pywinusb