Top "Hibernate-search" questions

Hibernate Search automatically extracts data from Hibernate ORM entities to push it to local Apache Lucene indexes or remote Elasticsearch indexes.

How do I use boolean operators with Hibernate Search

I'm learning the Hibernate Search Query DSL, and I'm not sure how to construct queries using boolean arguments such as …

java hibernate-search
SaaS / Multi-Tenancy approaches for Java-based (GWT, Spring, Hibernate) web applications

I am currently looking into converting a single-tenant Java based web-app that uses Spring, GWT, Hibernate, Jackrabbit, Hibernate Search / Lucene (…

java multi-tenant hibernate-search saas
get the annotation information at runtime

I wonder if there is any way I can get the annotation information of a class at runtime? Since I …

java annotations runtime hibernate-search
How to replace deprecated MultipleHiLoPerTableGenerator with TableGenerator in Hibernate

I use hibernate in an application with spring boot 1.4.0.RELEASE. The Entity for the index looks something along the lines …

java spring hibernate spring-boot hibernate-search