Top "Hibernate-envers" questions

Hibernate Envers is a core module of the Hibernate framework that enables simple entity auditing and change tracking using annotations and simple configuration steps.

Creating Envers custom revision entity

I'm trying to setup audit for our project. I started from the default configuration which works fine. The next step …

entity revision hibernate-envers
Can I change and how to change REVTYPE values in Hibernate Envers?

I'm new in Hiberante and Envers. I successfully implemented Hibernate Envers in my application and made audited tables and everything …

java hibernate hibernate-envers
Listing latest revision of each entity with envers

I am trying to retrieve the latest revision of all entities, that have not been deleted. Doing this in SQL …

java sql hibernate hibernate-envers
Audit table using "Envers" in Spring Hibernate java project

We need to audit the existing table using envers. we don't have hibernate.xml instead of we are using application-context.…

java spring hibernate jpa hibernate-envers
How to generate Envers database schema with org.hibernate.tool.EnversSchemaGenerator?

I updated Hibernate to the 4.1.1.Final version. According to the documentation There are 2 ways to generate a database schema: Ant …

hibernate hibernate-envers
jboss 7 (envers 4) Unable to load class org.hibernate.envers.event.AuditEventListener

I port from hibernate Envers 3.6 to Envers 4.0. This new version doesn't have AuditEventListener. Old version requires: listeners I can't find …

jboss hibernate-envers
How to find all revisions for an entity using spring data envers?

I am using spring-data-envers in my spring boot application. I can successfully log the audits on my entities. Now, I …

java spring spring-data-jpa hibernate-envers
Hibernate Envers fails with @Converter and AttributeConverter (JPA 2.1)

I am using Hibernate 4.3.4 with Envers, and MySql 5.6. Without a JPA 2.1 converter, the Party entity below fails at Configuration.buildSessionFactory() …

java hibernate jpa hibernate-envers jpa-2.1
How to delete entries from my audit table?

I am currently working with Hibernate Envers. How to delete entries in the audit table related to the entity I …

hibernate hibernate-envers audit-tables
Envers: Unidirectional OneToMany without additional audit table?

The following database schema: Employee[EMP_ID (PK), name, salary] Phone[ID (PK), number_str, OWNER_ID (FK)] Employee_aud[…

hibernate hibernate-envers jpa-2.1