Hibernate EntityManager implements the programming interfaces and lifecycle rules as defined by the JPA 2.0 specification.
I am using Hibernate 3.6.0 with JPA 2 on Jboss AS 6.0.0 final. In an EJB of mine, there's a method which updated …
hibernate transactions jpa-2.0 entitymanager hibernate-entitymanagerI have two Entity (tables) - Employee & Project. An Employee can have multiple Projects. Project table's CREATOR_ID field …
java hibernate jpa hibernate-entitymanagerI am trying to run my project but I get the following error : WARN : org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence - HHH015016: …
spring-mvc hibernate-entitymanagerThis problem appears randomly. Program has worked well for over a month and today it crashed. While adding a new …
hibernate entitymanager hibernate-entitymanageri have a simple question. Its possible to add dependency injection via @Ressource or @Autowired to the Hibernate Eventlistener? I …
java hibernate spring jpa hibernate-entitymanagerI'm trying to make my entities be related through bidirectional onetomany realtionship but it causes some errors i will posted …
java spring hibernate jpa hibernate-entitymanagerI'm using Hibernate as a JPA provider (I'm using its EntityManagerFactory instead of its SessionFactory) in a Spring Framework application. …
spring hibernate jpa hibernate-entitymanager load-time-weavingI am not able to run the following test:- @Test public void test() { EntityManager em = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager(); em.getTransaction().…
hibernate jpa jpa-2.0 hibernate-entitymanagerI upgraded my application from hibernate-entitymanager-3.6.10.Final to hibernate-entitymanager-4.1.6.Final by using maven. At the application initialization phase it raised …
hibernate hibernate-entitymanagerI have a problem with my spring security/hibernate app, which i can't resolve, since i'm new to spring and …
spring hibernate hibernate-entitymanager