How do I read the IR hex codes from an arbitrary remote control?

user1817467 picture user1817467 · Dec 31, 2013 · Viewed 9.1k times · Source

I have scoured google and cannot find articles related to this exact subject.

I have several remote controls I need to manually enter in the universal remote app on my phone. However, I cannot find these codes online no matter where I've looked.

Isn't there an IR receiver device that I can point my remote at, press any button on the remote, and it will tell me the corresponding hex code? I don't understand IR technology very well, but it seems that something like this must exist, otherwise how on earth do projects like lirc get all of those codes?

If possible, I would like to know the name of such device if it exists, or if not a general nudge in the direction of how to build one.



Dithermaster picture Dithermaster · Dec 31, 2013

You can get an IR receiver component and read it with a small microcontroller to get the signal that is being sent, but I don't know how to turn that into a hex code. I have seen projects that instead just play back the signal when needed.

Some references on reading the signal with a sensor:

There are boxes for receiving and sending IR with your PC, but again, I don't know if they have a way of getting the hex codes that you need for your app.