Top "Hdpi" questions

HDPI refers to a high-density screen (about 240 dpi) used on an Android device.

spark-shell error : No FileSystem for scheme: wasb

We have HDInsight cluster in Azure running, but it doesn't allow to spin up edge/gateway node at the time …

azure hadoop azure-hdinsight hdpi
Is samsung galaxy nexus hdpi or xhdpi

I am placing images in drawable-xhdpi folder and galaxy nexus doesn't pick it up. Is galaxy nexus HDPI or XHDPI?

android drawable hdpi
How to manage drawables for phone and tablet, both hdpi?

I've tried to run my app on a Nexus-One-like emulator skin and a Galaxy-Tab-like. As far as I know, both …

android resources drawable tablet hdpi
How to use jmeter ui on ultra high resolution display

The jmeter UI on windows 8 with a 3200X1800 Lenovo Laptop is unusable. Fonts on the far left pane are toooo …

jmeter hdpi highdpi
Delphi High DPI switch between own scaling and Windows scaling

Some of my customers want to be able to scale my application manually (when Windows dpi is set to 96), so …

delphi dpi hdpi
Canvas Bitmap drawing and Screen-Density

i'm developing a game for android based on the SurfaceView class. Currently i'm stuck trying to optimize the view for …

android canvas bitmap hdpi