Top "Hdfs" questions

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is the default file storage system used by Apache Hadoop.

hive - how to drop external hive table along with data

I am using drop table <table_name> If I recreate the table with the same schema and name, …

hive hdfs drop-table
Writing data to Hadoop

I need to write data in to Hadoop (HDFS) from external sources like a windows box. Right now I have …

hadoop hdfs
How does Hadoop perform input splits?

This is a conceptual question involving Hadoop/HDFS. Lets say you have a file containing 1 billion lines. And for the …

hadoop mapreduce hdfs
Difference between hadoop fs -put and hadoop fs -copyFromLocal

-put and -copyFromLocal are documented as identical, while most examples use the verbose variant -copyFromLocal. Why? Same thing for -get …

hadoop hdfs
Get a few lines of HDFS data

I am having a 2 GB data in my HDFS. Is it possible to get that data randomly. Like we do …

hadoop hdfs
apache spark - check if file exists

I am new to spark and I have a question. I have a two step process in which the first …

hadoop apache-spark hdfs
hdfs dfs -put with overwrite?

I am using hdfs dfs -put myfile mypath and for some files I get put: 'myfile': File Exists does that …

hadoop hdfs
The root scratch dir: /tmp/hive on HDFS should be writable. Current permissions are: rw-rw-rw- (on Windows)

I am running Spark on Windows 7. When I use Hive, I see the following error The root scratch dir: /tmp/…

windows hdfs
getting null values while loading the data from flat files into hive tables

I am getting the null values while loading the data from flat files into hive tables. my tables structure is …

hadoop null hive hdfs flat-file
Why is there no 'hadoop fs -head' shell command?

A fast method for inspecting files on HDFS is to use tail: ~$ hadoop fs -tail /path/to/file This displays …

hadoop hdfs