Top "Hce" questions

Host Card Emulation is software emulation of an NFC smart card's responses, usually by (but not limited to) a mobile device.

Android HCE: are there rules for AID?

I'm trying to use an ACR122 NFC reader to select an application emulated in one Nexus 5 using Android Host Card …

android nfc mifare apdu hce
ACR122 - Card Emulation

How can I get the NFC contactless reader ACR122U to behave as a tag (card emulation mode)? The prospectus …

nfc hce acr122
How to get AID for reader Host based card emulation

I'm trying to do Host card emulation on an Android device using this example using ACR1281U NFC tag reader. …

android nfc rfid apdu hce
Transfer data to PC from android device via NFC

I am trying to develop an Android application for a hospital. In this system there is a need to get …

android nfc hce nfc-p2p acr122
Making Host Card Emulation work for payment

I've been using StackOverflow for years now, always finding answers to my questions before even asking them, but today I'm …

android nfc android-4.4-kitkat hce
Card Emulation via OpenNFC

I am currently researching the possibility of card emulation on NFC enabled smartphones. Basicly, what I'm trying to do is …

android nfc hce open-nfc
Control full APDU with NFC Software Card Emulation on Android

I'm busy with an app to emulate normal APDU communication on a Nexus 7 with CM10.1 to an ACR122U102 reader/…

android nfc apdu hce acr122
DESFire EV1 card emulation

I need to emulate a DESFire EV1 card on an Android device. However, I'm confused on how to use the …

android nfc mifare hce contactless-smartcard
Android HCE response 6A82

Im currently working on a HCE implementation for my Galaxy s4. I have a Omnikey 5321-cl reader which supportes 7816-4. …

android apdu hce