Top "Having" questions

About the HAVING keyword in SQL.

tsql distinct having count

I am using SSMS 2008 and am trying to select count of consumers who are part of two different events. Probably …

tsql count having
Select all rows containing duplicate values in one of two columns from within distinct groups of related records

I'm trying to create a MySQL query that will return all individual rows (not grouped) containing duplicate values from within …

mysql group-by duplicates inner-join having
MySQL : Make HAVING select also "null"

I have two tables : dilemme and like. The first one contains articles and the second one contains votes. The script …

mysql select group-by having
Oracle ORDER BY with rownum or HAVING >= ALL

My database teacher asked me to write (on Oracle Server) a query: select the groupid with the highest score average …

sql select average having rownum
SQL Having on columns not in SELECT

I have a table with 3 columns: userid mac_address count The entries for one user could look like this: 57193 001122334455 42 57193 000C6…

sql group-by having
PostgreSQL - Aliases column and HAVING

SELECT CASE WHEN SUM(X.Count)*3600 is null THEN '0' ELSE SUM(X.Count)*3600 END AS PJZ, X.Mass …

postgresql having column-alias
Retrieving records fulfilling a condition using GROUP BY

I'd like to only select the rows where the count is greater than 1 (in other words the duplicates) right now …

mysql count group-by aggregate having
Django queryset - Adding HAVING constraint

I have been using Django for a couple of years now but I am struggling today with adding a HAVING …

django group-by sum django-queryset having