I want to do something in Haskell that looks like this:
main1 = do s <- getLine
if s == "foo" then putStr "You entered foo"
Obviously this isn't legal since there's no else
. One alternative I've thought of:
nop :: IO ()
nop = sequence_ []
main2 = do s <- getLine
if s == "foo" then putStr "You entered foo" else nop
This is a little verbose, but I would settle for it if necessary. I would be surprised if there weren't a built-in version of nop
, though.
doIf :: Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
doIf b m = if b then m else nop
main3 = do s <- getLine
doIf (s == "foo") (putStr "You entered foo")
This is more concise, but the syntax is not particularly nice. Again, I wouldn't be surprised to find something built-in that already exists.
What's the preferred way to do this?
The easiest way to do a no-op in a monad is:
return ()
pure ()
However, for the particular idiom you're doing, there's a combinator already made for you:
import Control.Monad
main = do s <- getLine
when (s == "foo") $ putStr "You entered foo"
This when
combinator behaves exactly like your doIf
combinator :)