Top "Haskell" questions

Haskell is a functional programming language featuring strong static typing, lazy evaluation, extensive parallelism and concurrency support, and unique abstraction capabilities.

What part of Hindley-Milner do you not understand?

I swear there used to be a T-shirt for sale featuring the immortal words: What part of do you not …

haskell functional-programming lambda-calculus hindley-milner denotational-semantics
Difference between `mod` and `rem` in Haskell

What exactly is the difference between mod and rem in Haskell? Both seems to give the same results *Main> …

Division in Haskell

I'm making a function in Haskell that halves only the evens in a list and I am experiencing a problem. …

haskell division
Is functional GUI programming possible?

I've recently caught the FP bug (trying to learn Haskell), and I've been really impressed with what I've seen so …

user-interface haskell f# functional-programming
Is there any haskell function to concatenate list with separator?

Is there a function to concatenate elements of a list with a separator? For example: > foobar " " ["is","there","such","…

list haskell concat
What is the difference between Int and Integer?

In Haskell, what is the difference between an Int and an Integer? Where is the answer documented?

haskell numbers integer int bignum
How to define a function in ghci across multiple lines?

I'm trying to define any simple function that spans multiple lines in ghci, take the following as an example: let …

haskell ghci
Merging two lists in Haskell

Can't figure out how to merge two lists in the following way in Haskell: INPUT: [1,2,3,4,5] [11,12,13,14] OUTPUT: [1,11,2,12,3,13,4,14,5]

list haskell merge functional-programming interleave
How does foldr work?

Can anybody explain how does foldr work? Take these examples: Prelude> foldr (-) 54 [10, 11] 53 Prelude> foldr (\x y -&…

haskell combinators fold
Guards vs. if-then-else vs. cases in Haskell

I have three functions that find the nth element of a list: nthElement :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe …

haskell if-statement case