Top "Hashmap" questions

A data structure that uses a hash function to map identifying values, known as keys, to their associated values

Spring bean map with dynamic keys and values

Right now i've application related data in spring bean map and passed this map to other classes as ref. Map …

java spring hashmap spring-ioc
Is the hashCode function generated by Eclipse any good?

Eclipse source menu has a "generate hashCode / equals method" which generates functions like the one below. String name; @Override public …

java eclipse hash hashmap hashtable
Which is more efficient : using removeAll() or using the following HashMap technique to retain only changed records in an ArrayList

I have 2 ArrayLists A and B of the same datastructure C (hashCode() and equals() overridden). C represents a student's record. …

java arraylist hashmap performance removeall
Why does HashSet implementation in Sun Java use HashMap as its backing?

Looking at the source of Java 6, HashSet<E> is actually implemented using HashMap<E,Object>, using …

java hashmap hashset
Why is the maximum capacity of a Java HashMap 1<<30 and not 1<<31?

Why is the maximum capacity of a Java HashMap 1<<30 and not 1<<31, even though the max value …

java hashmap capacity
How to create hash map with entries from .properties file

I want to create a Hash Map with the entries from .properties file. My property file looks like: ##AA key1 = …

java excel hashmap properties-file
HashMap Space Complexity

Here's a sample solution for "Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node" puzzle: Populate each next pointer to point to …

java algorithm hashmap big-o space-complexity
Performant Haskell hashed structure.

I am writing program that does alot of table lookups. As such, I was perusing the Haskell documentation when I …

haskell hashmap hashtable
Collect stream of EntrySet to LinkedHashMap

I want to collect the stream to a LinkedHashMap<String, Object>. I have a JSON resource that is …

java hashmap java-stream linkedhashmap
Hashmap error: incompatible types

I made a hashmap that stores roman numerals as keys and their decimal numbers as values. The error says "incompatible …

java hashmap bluej