I'm attempting to hash the values
10, 100, 32, 45, 58, 126, 3, 29, 200, 400, 0
I need a function that will map them to an array that has a size of 13 without causing any collisions.
I've spent several hours thinking this over and googling and can't figure this out. I haven't come close to a viable solution.
How would I go about finding a hash function of this sort? I've played with gperf, but I don't really understand it and I couldn't get the results I was looking for.
if you know the exact keys then it is trivial to produce a perfect hash function -
int hash (int n) {
switch (n) {
case 10: return 0;
case 100: return 1;
case 32: return 2;
// ...
default: return -1;