Top "Hapijs" questions

Hapi is a rich Node.

How can I add a middleware in my route?

In express I have something like this: router.get('/foo', middlewareFunction, function (req, res) { res.send('YoYo'); }); What is …

Using Joi, validating that a boolean is true

Is it possible to validate that a boolean is true using Joi? I've tried using allow, valid and invalid without …

javascript hapijs joi
How to get the full URL for a request in Hapi

In my hapijs app, given a Request object, how can I find the original, unparsed, unmodified URL? function getRequestUrl (request) { …

url hapijs
JOI :allow null values in array

I am trying to add a validation for array in a POST request Joi.array().items(Joi.string()).single().optional() …

javascript node.js hapijs joi
Hapi/Joi validation of float()

I have the following JavaScript code to test out the Hapi/Joi validation functions: var Joi = require('joi'); var schema = { …

javascript node.js validation hapijs
can I change the color of log data in winston?

I happened to use bunyan to log the the data . I wanted the logs be printed with appropriate colors like …

node.js hapijs winston bunyan
JOI email validation

Im using Joi library as standalone validator for my CRA project but when firing email() validator im getting cryptic error …

hapijs joi
hapijs joi validation , just validate one field and to allow any field

I want to validate one field and to allow another fields without validation; by example just to validate: "firstname" field. …

hapijs joi
hapi route joi validation of password confirmation

How do I check that password and password_confirmation are the same ? var Joi = require('joi'), S = Joi.string().required().…

node.js hapijs joi
Descriptive Hapi/Joi validation error

I've been trying to implement Joi in our node application (joi as standalone, not with hapi) and it seems to …

node.js validation schema hapijs joi