Top "Hapi.js" questions

Hapi is a rich Node.

Uncaught TypeError: THREE.GLTFLoader is not a constructor

I am new to THREE js I can't figure out the error when I am run my code the following …

three.js hapi.js
TypeError: reply is not a function

Using Hapi v17, I am just trying to make a simple web API to start building my knowledge, but I …

javascript node.js hapi.js
Custom Boom error messages

On my Hapi.js server, I'd like to send a specific message if an account does not have permission rights …

javascript node.js hapi.js
Create a nested return model with Knex.js

I'm using Knex.js to query a MySQL database in a Hapi.js route. The following code works but requires …

javascript node.js knex.js hapi.js