Questions: I'm able to change background color of cells but not of the header. Can I change the background color as well as font color of the header in Handsontable?
You could use jquery or css for this. For example, apply a background color to all the span.colHeader:
.handsontable span.colHeader {
text-color: #B2B2FF; /* pink ish */
background-color: #FF7878; /* red */
Or even easier, handsontable allows HTML for col headers so as an option, you can supply an array of the headers with HTML:
hot = new Handsontable(container, {
data: items,
startRows: 1,
colHeaders: ['<label id="header1" style="background-color: blue">I'm the first header"</label>', '<label id="header2" style="background-color: red">I'm the second header"</label>']