Hamcrest is an open source library of constraint classes used to match objects and values, typically by other frameworks such as unit testing, mocking, or collections.
Map<Integer, Map<String, String>> mapMap = new HashMap<Integer,Map<String, String>>(); …
java junit hamcrestHas anyone integrated Hamcrest with TestNG so that its matchers can easily be used in TestNG assertions?
java testng hamcrestI am trying to test the following controller method using the Spring MVC test API: @RequestMapping(value = "/preference/email", method = …
spring spring-mvc mockito hamcrest spring-mvc-testIt looks like the hamcrest org.hamcrest.Matchers class is very similar to org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers (though it looks like …
junit hamcrestI have a scenario where I receive a list from a method call and I would like to assert that …
java unit-testing hamcrest assertjIs there a matcher in Hamcrest to compare collections for equality? There is contains and containsInAnyOrder but I need equals …
java unit-testing junit assert hamcrestI am trying to test if a collection has an item which toString() method returns a particular String. I tried …
java junit hamcrestI am looking for a Hamcrest Matcher to unit test methods that return a java.util.Optional type. Something like: @…
java unit-testing optional matcher hamcrestI got some samplecode from a college, imported the project and try to run the Tests: The method assertThat(Integer, …
java junit4 hamcrest