Top "Hadoop2" questions

Hadoop 2 represents the second generation of the very popular open source distributed platform Apache Hadoop.

How to update a file in HDFS

I know that HDFS is write once and read many times. Suppose if i want to update a file in …

hadoop hdfs hadoop2
Importing CSV file into Hadoop

I am new with Hadoop, I have a file to import into hadoop via command line (I access the machine …

csv hadoop2

I am not able to understand what this DISTRIBUTE BY clause does in Hive. I know the definition that says, …

hive hiveql hadoop2
Could not find or load main class hadoop mapreduce

I am trying to learn MapReduce but I am a little lost right now.…

java hadoop mapreduce hadoop2
Container killed by the ApplicationMaster Exit code is 143

I've been getting the following error in several cases: 2017-03-23 11:55:10,794 INFO [AsyncDispatcher event handler] org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.…

hadoop hive mapreduce hadoop2
hive 0.13 msck repair table only lists partitions not in metastore

I'm trying to use Hive(0.13) msck repair table command to recover partitions and it only lists the partitions not added …

hive hiveql hadoop2
Hadoop release missing /conf directory

I am trying to install a single node setup of Hadoop on Ubuntu. I started following the instructions on the …

hadoop hadoop2
What is the maximum container(s) in a single-node cluster (hadoop)?

I am new in hadoop and i am not yet familiar to its configuration. I just want to ask the …

apache hadoop mapreduce yarn hadoop2
Hive Runtime Error while processing row in Hive

I've got issue while Querying on ORC file format table I was trying below query: INSERT INTO TABLE <db_…

hadoop hive yarn hadoop2
HDFS error put: `input': No such file or directory

I have installed hadoop 2.6.0 and I'm playing around with it. I'm trying the Pseudo-distributed setup and I'm following the instructions …

hadoop mapreduce hdfs hadoop2