Save Spark dataframe as dynamic partitioned table in Hive

Chetandalal picture Chetandalal · Jul 10, 2015 · Viewed 84.9k times · Source

I have a sample application working to read from csv files into a dataframe. The dataframe can be stored to a Hive table in parquet format using the method df.saveAsTable(tablename,mode).

The above code works fine, but I have so much data for each day that i want to dynamic partition the hive table based on the creationdate(column in the table).

is there any way to dynamic partition the dataframe and store it to hive warehouse. Want to refrain from Hard-coding the insert statement using hivesqlcontext.sql(insert into table partittioin by(date)....).

Question can be considered as an extension to :How to save DataFrame directly to Hive?

any help is much appreciated.


mdurant picture mdurant · Jul 12, 2015

I believe it works something like this:

df is a dataframe with year, month and other columns

df.write.partitionBy('year', 'month').saveAsTable(...)


df.write.partitionBy('year', 'month').insertInto(...)