How to get hadoop put to create directories if they don't exist

owly picture owly · May 7, 2014 · Viewed 45.4k times · Source

I have been using Cloudera's hadoop (0.20.2). With this version, if I put a file into the file system, but the directory structure did not exist, it automatically created the parent directories:

So for example, if I had no directories in hdfs and typed:

hadoop fs -put myfile.txt /some/non/existing/path/myfile.txt

It would create all of the directories: some, non, existing and path and put the file in there.

Now, with a newer offering of hadoop (2.2.0) this auto creation of directories is not happening. The same command above yields:

put: ` /some/non/existing/path/': No such file or directory

I have a workaround to just do hadoop fs -mkdir first, for every put, but this is not going to perform well.

Is this configurable? Any advice?


art-vybor picture art-vybor · Oct 7, 2014

Now you should use hadoop fs -mkdir -p <path>