I have an http server writing log files which I then load into HDFS using Flume First I want to filter data according to data I have in my header or body. I read that I can do this using an interceptor with regex, can someone explain exactly what I need to do? Do I need to write Java code that overrides the Flume code?
Also I would like to take data and according to the header send it to a different sink (i.e source=1 goes to sink1 and source=2 goes to sink2) how is this done?
thank you,
You don't need to write Java code to filter events. Use Regex Filtering Interceptor to filter events which body text matches some regular expression:
agent.sources.logs_source.interceptors = regex_filter_interceptor
agent.sources.logs_source.interceptors.regex_filter_interceptor.type = regex_filter
agent.sources.logs_source.interceptors.regex_filter_interceptor.regex = <your regex>
agent.sources.logs_source.interceptors.regex_filter_interceptor.excludeEvents = true
To route events based on headers use Multiplexing Channel Selector:
a1.sources = r1
a1.channels = c1 c2 c3 c4
a1.sources.r1.selector.type = multiplexing
a1.sources.r1.selector.header = state
a1.sources.r1.selector.mapping.CZ = c1
a1.sources.r1.selector.mapping.US = c2 c3
a1.sources.r1.selector.default = c4
Here events with header "state"="CZ" go to channel "c1", with "state"="US" - to "c2" and "c3", all other - to "c4".
This way you can also filter events by header - just route specific header value to channel, which points to Null Sink.