GZip/gzip is both the name for a compressed data format and any of several software applications implementing this format.
Why people go through all the pain of minifying JavaScript and CSS files if they can just turn on gzip …
javascript css performance gzip client-sideWhat's the best way to create a gzipped tar archive with Ruby? I have a Rails app that needs to …
ruby gzip tarI am new to System.IO.Compression I am trying to compress and decompress some information. For compression I used …
c# c#-4.0 gzip compression system.io.compressionRails 3.1 has a convenient system which can compress files into .gz files. However, instead what I've done is I've moved …
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 nginx gzip assetsI have been trying to uncompress the following file: sudo wget http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/7u21-b11/…
java gzip tar compressionLet's say there's a.gz, and b.gz. $ gzip_merge a.gz b.gz -output c.gz I'd like to …
merge gzip deflateMy website serves gzipped content. I verified with Firebug and YSlow. However, JMeter does not request the gzipped content. Therefore, …
gzip jmeterI'm wondering if there is any way to get the Rails webserver (thin) to serve the *.gz files the asset …
ruby-on-rails heroku gzip asset-pipeline rackUsing Windows Command line with cygwin, chef and ruby installed. When trying knife cookbook site install mysql returns the following …
command-line gzip tar chef-infra