Top "Gwt-rpc" questions

Google Web Toolkit - Remote Procedure Calls

GWT RPC - Does it do enough to protect against CSRF?

UPDATE : GWT 2.3 introduces a better mechanism to fight XSRF attacks. See …

security gwt csrf gwt-rpc
Experiences with integrating spring 3 mvc with GWT?

Given: Spring 3.0 mvc has excellent REST support with one of the representation being JSON. GWT simplifies development as UI is …

ajax spring gwt spring-mvc gwt-rpc
How GWT RPC loads the serialization policy files?

I'm researching a solution for an issue with GWT and OSGi+PAX-Web. The particular problem is that GWT cannot load …

gwt gwt-rpc
How to Implement progressbar with GWT?

In a GWT application, I have a long process that runs server side and invoked using rpc(GWT dispatcher) and …

java gwt progress-bar rpc gwt-rpc
Spring Method Level Security fails on second call

I want to use method level security on my GWT application. I'm trying to use Spring Security 3.1, as I found …

java gwt spring-security gwt-rpc
IncompatibleRemoteServiceException: This application is out of date, please click the refresh button on your browser

My GWT Project was working fine but today, after some changes and adding new fetures one async call is not …

java gwt gwt-rpc gwt2
gwt - Using List<Serializable> in a RPC call?

I have a RPC service with the following method: public List<Serializable> myMethod(TransactionCall call) {...} But I get …

java gwt serialization rpc gwt-rpc
What is the purpose of the IsSerializable interface in GWT (regarding the RPC mechanism)

What is the purpose of the IsSerializable interface in GWT (regarding the RPC mechanism). I have never been able to …

java gwt gwt-rpc
Dozer custom converter ID mapping: Object to Long and Long to Object via DozerConverter getParameter

I need help configuring my dozer mapping file. Mainly I would like to know how to get User user obejct …

spring mapping converter gwt-rpc dozer
GWT Simple RPC use case problem : Code included

I am trying to work out how to send a domain object from the server-side to the client-side using GWT …

gwt rpc gwt-rpc