Top "Gunicorn" questions

Gunicorn 'Green Unicorn' is a Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX.

Why can't I start my gunicorn server? "Connection in use"

Any ideas why my gunicorn server won't start? jeffy@originaldjangster:~$ sudo /home/jeffy/django_files/django_test_venv/bin/gunicorn …

gunicorn ubuntu-14.04
Running Django with Gunicorn - Best Practice

There are 3 ways to run a django application with gunicorn: Standard gunicorn + wsgi (ref django doc) gunicorn project.wsgi:application …

django gunicorn
How do I run a flask app in gunicorn if I used the application factory pattern?

I wrote a flask app using the application factory pattern. That means it doesn't create an app instance automatically when …

flask gunicorn
What exactly is a pre-fork web server model?

I want to know what exactly it means when a web server describes itself as a pre-fork web server. I …

apache webserver unicorn gunicorn preforking
What benefit is added by using Gunicorn + Nginx + Flask?

I see people are running setups like Nginx + Gunicorn + Flask. Can someone explain what is the benefit of having Gunicorn …

python nginx flask gunicorn
Where in flask/gunicorn to initialize application

I'm using Flask/Gunicorn to run a web application and have a question about the lifecycle management. I have more …

python web-services flask gunicorn
Flask app logger not working when running within gunicorn

I'm trying to save application log messages from a very simple flask app in a log file. While this works …

python logging flask gunicorn
"upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream" Django, Ubuntu, Nginx, Gunicorn

I deployed a Django website using this tutorial The website can be accessed from …

ubuntu nginx ubuntu-16.04 gunicorn django-2.0
Supervisor - Can't start supervisorctl as root or user (User is set in config)

I start supervisor as root: sudo supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf Then I try to start up supervisorctl: (myapp)…

python django gunicorn supervisord
Apache + mod_wsgi vs nginx + gunicorn

I want to deploy a django site (it is the open source edx code on github). I am faced with …

django apache nginx mod-wsgi gunicorn