Top "Guid" questions

A GUID (Globally Unique IDentifier) is a unique reference number used as an identifier in computer software.

Generating a unique ID in PHP

I'm trying to generate a unique ID in php in order to store user-uploaded content on a FS without conflicts. …

php guid unique uuid identifier
Guid == null should not be allowed by the compiler

The behaviour described below is specific to .net-3.5 only I just ran across the most astonishing behavior in the C# …

c# .net .net-3.5 guid
Why does Guid.ToByteArray() order the bytes the way it does?

When you call ToByteArray() on a GUID in .NET, the ordering of the bytes in the resulting array is not …

c# .net guid
Collision probability of ObjectId vs UUID in a large distributed system

Considering that an UUID rfc 4122 (16 bytes) is much larger than a MongoDB ObjectId (12 bytes), I am trying to find out …

mongodb guid uuid rfc4122
What does "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11" means in WebSocket Protocol

I don't understand the meaning of "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11" in RFC 6455. Why does the server …

websocket guid magic-string
How securely unguessable are GUIDs?

A while ago I worked on a web application where users could buy tickets. Due to the way our client's …

.net cryptography guid
shortest encoding for Guid for use in a URL

Mad Kristensen got one down to 00amyWGct0y_ze4lIsj2Mw Can it go smaller than that?

compression guid friendly-url
Generate GUID in XSLT

I need to generate a GUID with XSLT and if needed C#, does anyone know how to best do this? …

c# xslt guid umbraco
How to use the objectGUID get a DirectoryEntry?

I know ,we can get a DirectoryEntry like this: string conPath = "LDAP://,DC=gaga,DC=com"; string conUser = "…

c# active-directory guid directoryservices directoryentry
Why are there dashes in a .NET GUID?

Why are there dashes in a .NET GUID? Are there dashes in most implementations of a GUID, or is it …

.net guid uuid