Top "Guava" questions

Google's Core Java Library for Java and Android development.

Java - Append quotes to strings in an array and join strings in an array

I would like to append double quotes to strings in an array and then later join them as a single …

java guava apache-commons
ImmutableMap.of() workaround for HashMap in Maps?

There are utility methods to create ImmutableMap like Immutable.of(Key, value) and its overload. But such methods don't exist …

java collections guava
Using Google Guava's Objects.ToStringHelper

I used ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(class) in commons-lang, to implement toString() for simple DTOs. Now I'm trying to use Google Guava …

java guava tostring
Grouping elements of a list into sublists (maybe by using guava)

I want to group elements of a list. I'm currently doing it this way: public static <E> List&…

java list function grouping guava
filter and sort list using google collections

Suppose I have a list (or Set): List<String> testList = Lists.newArrayList("assocX","srcT","destA","srcX", "don't care …

java sorting filter guava
How to avoid caching when values are null?

I am using Guava to cache hot data. When the data does not exist in the cache, I have to …

caching guava
Is it a good idea to use Google Guava library for Android development?

I am involved in the development of Android application which is a rather "thick" mobile client for a Web service. …

java android guava
A Queue that ensure uniqueness of the elements?

I'm looking for a implementation of java.util.Queue or something in the Google collection who behave like a Queue, …

java collections queue guava unique-constraint
How to scan classes for annotations?

I have a plain jane servlets web application, and some of my classes have the following annotations: @Controller @RequestMapping(name = "/…

java servlets guice guava
Guava: Why is there no Lists.filter() function?

Is there a reason there's Lists.transform() but no Lists.filter() ? How do I filter a list correctly? I could …

java list filter guava