I had a scenario where I need to add my test results from a SoapUI test case to a related test case in HP Quality Center. How could I go about doing this with Groovy.
Quality Center offers an OTA API to interface with it; however, it is written to use the Microsoft COM structure which Java/Groovy has no native way to consume. Lucky, there is a Groovy library, Scriptom, that allows Groovy to consume COM interfaces.
After getting every setup, this is the sample code that I came up with:
import org.codehaus.groovy.scriptom.*
def tstCaseName = "NAME_OF_TESTCASE"
tstCaseName = tstCaseName.replaceAll(/[ ]/) { match ->
// Create an entry point for QC
def tdc = new ActiveXObject ('TDApiOle80.TDConnection')
// Connect to QC, Login with Credentials, connect to Project
tdc.Login('USER_NAME', 'PASSWORD')
// Find the set of tests in the Test Plan
tsFolder = tdc.TestSetTreeManager.NodeByPath('Root\\PATH\\TO\\TEST\\CALENDAR\\Spaces are allowed')
tsList = tsFolder.FindTestSets('NAME_OF_TEST_CALENDAR')
tsObject = tsList.Item(1)
// Get the list of TestCases in the Test Plan and filter it down to the one Test Case we are interested in
TSTestFact = tsObject.TSTestFactory
tstSetFilter = TSTestFact.Filter
tstSetFilter.Filter["TS_NAME"] = '*' + tstCaseName
TestSetTestsList = TSTestFact.NewList(tstSetFilter.Text)
tsInstance = TestSetTestsList.Item(1)
// Create a new Test Run
newRun= tsInstance.RunFactory.AddItem('Run_Auto')
newRun.Status = 'Not Completed'
// Populate Auto Run Test step Data
def tsStepData = new Object[3]
tsStepData[0]='Auto Data'
tsStepData[1]='Not Completed'
tsStepData[2]='Results from Automated Test'
// Create new Test Step in the run with our Auto Run Data
tsSteps = newRun.StepFactory.AddItem(tsStepData)
tsSteps.Field['ST_ACTUAL'] = 'These are the actual results from my test!!'