Extjs grid panel with checkboxes

edtsech picture edtsech · Mar 12, 2010 · Viewed 60.9k times · Source

How i can create ExtJs grid panel with checkboxes like here.


Brian Moeskau picture Brian Moeskau · Mar 12, 2010

In Ext 3.4, you'll want to use the Ext.grid.CheckColumn plugin as demonstrated in the EditorGrid sample included in the framework download.

In Ext 4+ there is a CheckColumn type built-in (xtype: 'checkcolumn').

Here's an example of what the column config looks like for a checkbox column in version 4+:

  xtype: 'checkcolumn',
  header: 'Active?',
  dataIndex: 'active', // model property to bind to
  width: 60,
  editor: {
    xtype: 'checkbox',
    cls: 'x-grid-checkheader-editor'